The CANcer Life Organizer

Take Control of Your Cancer Journey

Discover the CANcer Life Organizer -
Your Essential Tool for Navigating Cancer with Confidence


Overwhelmed by the Chaos of a Cancer Diagnosis?

Hearing the words "You have cancer" can be paralyzing. The flood of information, appointments, and medical jargon can leave you feeling lost and overwhelmed.

The Stress and Anxiety Are Real

Without a clear system to manage your appointments, questions, and medical information, the stress can become unbearable. This disorganization can lead to missed appointments, unanswered questions, and increased anxiety, further complicating an already challenging journey.

Meet the CANcer Life Organizer

Designed by three-time cancer survivor Lisa Assetta, the CANcer Life Organizer is a comprehensive system that helps you manage every aspect of your cancer journey. From tracking appointments to organizing questions for your medical team, this tool is your lifeline to reclaiming control.

Fulfill Your Need for Order and Peace

The CANcer Life Organizer meets the fundamental needs for organization during a chaotic time. It helps focus your energy on what truly matters—your health and recovery. With this tool, you can reduce stress, stay informed, and advocate for yourself effectively.